
XXX Bromance

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | 4 Comment(s)

My friend (bro-friend) Sandro introduced a new term to me tonight that is simply too good not to be shared. To be honest, I'm pretty sure Sandro doesn't read the blog, so I was going to take credit for this brilliance, but then I realized that other mutual friends would surely have alerted him to my joke stealing, thereby sending my bro-love into the arms of a another bromance. And that simply will not do.

As we set about our ritual bromance groping, he geniusly quipped, "Is it bad that I'm getting a broner?" A BRONER!!! Right! It's THAT good. Another friend added, we should bring that to New York next weekend and make it a thing.

And we should.


  1. I don't want to come across as a total twat (since this is the first time I've visited your page, and therefore, this being the first entry that I have read) but I'm about to burst your bubble on the broner. Don't get me wrong- I am not doing it to satisfy my inner evil twin, but to introduce you into something wonderful! Broner is actually from a tv series called californication. Which is 100% worth getting into. meaning I 100% deserve a pass for ruining your joke.

  2. Hey killer queen. you do not seem twatty at all. I suspected it wasn't the first use of broner ever. But it was the first time I had heard it. I have seen a bit of Californication (only at my parents house because I don't have HBO), and even wrote another post related to its star:

  3. You should.
    Even if it does already exist, I reckon you can bring it back.
